Taylor Elder ad Disabled Adult Care, Sonoma County CA

Wendy Taylor, MSW

Taylor Elder Care Management, Sebastopol CA. Wendy Taylor's qualifications include 30 years as a social worker specializing in medical and mental health care, 21 years of experience as a geriatric social worker providing case management and 14 years of experience as a social work mental health case manager.

Our History

As a geriatric care manager, I have a background of 35 years as a Medical and Mental Health Social Worker for elderly and disabled adults in the Bay Area.   

With extensive experience in the medical and mental health care fields, I have developed a comprehensive team that focuses on high-quality consistent care, and on avoiding institutionalization whenever possible. With modifications and coordination of in-home care and community services, elders and disabled adults can often live out their lives in their own homes or in the most minimally restrictive environments.  I created Taylor Elder and Disabled Adult Care Management with this goal in mind.  

Taylor Elder and Disabled Adult Care Management
Wendy Taylor, MSW | Sebastopol, CA  95472 | support@tayloreldercare.com | (707) 824-5637